Tagged with mikael munck

Imported from Use cases

AI Watch: Episode #18 - AI Risk and Data...

62 views July 17, 2024

Join us in this episode of AI Watch as we explore the critical collaboration between data...

AI Watch

AI Watch: Episode #17 - EU AI Act: insights,...

86 views May 30, 2024

In this AI Watch episode, 2021.AI's senior AI risk advisor, Avishay Gaziel, breaks down the EU AI...

Past Webinars

Responsible use of Large Language Models like...

69 views February 14, 2024

Large language models can bring a lot of value to your business. However, they also come with...

Past Webinars

Optimize your supply chain with AI

55 views February 14, 2024

Does your company work with data? Do you want to optimize your supply chain? Then this online...

Past Webinars

Building AI Trust and Risk Management in your...

86 views February 14, 2024

Join us for our webinar "Building AI Trust and Risk Management in your organization" and learn:...

Past Webinars

Optimer dine produkter med AI: En guide til...

40 views February 14, 2024

Du bør optimere dine produkter med kunstig intelligens (ai)! hør hvorfor, når vi den 13. april...

Past Webinars

Optimering af Supply Chains med Kunstig...

61 views February 14, 2024

Indsamler og arbejder din virksomhed med data? Så kan du drage fordel af Artificial Intelligence...

Past Webinars

Ensuring AI Governance Collaboration Across The...

57 views February 14, 2024

To successfully adopt AI, it’s important to create workflows that enable sound governance...